About Coalition of Virtue

United through Faith, the Coalition of Virtue is building an America where families have a say in their children’s education, equal opportunities are available to all, and the highest good is championed.

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote virtue in society, grounded in divine guidance as embodied in the Islamic tradition, in cooperation with those who share our moral vision.

Who we are

Citizens Like You

We are a group of average citizens from various walks of life, fathers, mothers, engineers, salesmen, lawyers, and everything in-between, guided by our faith and our desire to serve the common good. Inspired by the ideals of Islam and drawing from the rich history of our nation, we understand that the highest principles of America demand that she be governed “by the people, and for the people”. 


With these principles at the forefront, we strive to encourage citizens like ourselves to become civically engaged, pushing for legislative changes that represent the highest values of faith and reason. 


Opting Out of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Education

Coalition of Virtue is currently working to restore the right of parents to opt out from sex-education and by extension all materials that teach anything related to sex. 


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